pope paul ii in Chinese
- 保二世
- 保禄二世
- 保罗二世
- "pope" in Chinese : n. (一打就极痛或发麻的)腿的要害处。 take sb ...
- "paul" in Chinese : n. 1.保罗〔姓氏,男子名〕。 2.【基督教】使徒保罗 ...
- "pope john paul ii" in Chinese : cbs约翰保罗二世传; 年教皇约望保禄二世; 若望保罗二世; 约翰保罗二世
- "pope john paul" in Chinese : 教皇保罗二世
- "pope john paul i" in Chinese : 若望・保禄一世; 约翰・保罗一世
- "pope paul i" in Chinese : 保禄一世; 保一世
- "pope paul iii" in Chinese : 保禄三世; 保罗三世; 保三世
- "pope paul iv" in Chinese : 保禄四世; 保罗四世
- "pope paul v" in Chinese : 保禄五世; 保五世
- "pope paul vi" in Chinese : 保六世; 保罗六世; 教宗保禄六世
- "pope adeodatus ii" in Chinese : 德吾二世
- "pope adrian ii" in Chinese : 艾德里安二世; 亚德二世
- "pope agapetus ii" in Chinese : 亚加二世
- "pope alexander ii" in Chinese : 历山二世; 亚历山大二世
- "pope anastasius ii" in Chinese : 达西二世; 西二世
Other Languages
- "pope paul ii" meaning in Russian: Павел IIПавел II
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What is the meaning of pope paul ii in Chinese and how to say pope paul ii in Chinese? pope paul ii Chinese meaning, pope paul ii的中文,pope paul ii的中文,pope paul ii的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.